Vinayak Health Care Clinic
353/A, Brooke Bond Society, Cannel Road,Model Coloney
Maharashtra 411016
Phone: +91 97672 56725

Vinayak Health Care Clinic

Chelation Therapy

Chelation is a therapy that is used to improve the circulatory functions of the body by removing the harmful substances in your body through urinary output. It is an intravenous therapy and once these harmful substances are removed, the body starts to heal itself, restore the vitality in general as well as improves body immunity.

How Does Chelation Therapy Work?

Our body is continuously breathing, drinking and absorbing harmful substances at various stages of life. These substances consist of lead, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, uranium and also unusually filled nutritional metal ions such as copper, iron or calcium. These substances pile up throughout the years in our body that results in the creation of plaques in our arteries, degradation in the health of the blood vessels, cellular and organ degeneration, and reduced vitality of the body.

The term 'Chelation' refers to the process of binding ions and molecules to the electrically charged metal ions. In Chelation Therapy, a synthetic amino acid, EDTA is introduced in the bloodstream which binds itself to the toxic elements in the blood and flushes them out through urine. This procedure is supported by the right combination of medicines and nutritional supplements after a careful assessment of the patient's health history and lifestyle factors.

What Does Chelation Therapy Include?

At VHCC, the detailed study of a patient's health history is a important step in Chelation Therapy. All the factors like lifestyle, diet, past health issues, allergies, are studied and the right combination of medicines, nutrients, and EDTA is administered in the patient’s body during a 2-3 hour session. Depending on the case, 20-30 such sessions are conducted over a period of 10-15 weeks.

Chelation therapy is supported by in-house counseling on healthy diet and lifestyle changes to sustain and prolong the benefits of therapy.

Why Do Chelation Therapy?

By removing harmful substances through the body, Chelation therapy aims to completely cleanse and revive the body. By improving overall immune and circulatory systems, Chelation helps in treating many health issues simultaneously. This non-invasive treatment is particularly helpful in battling coronary diseases, hypertension, and recurring heart blockages without putting the body through unnecessary strain.

It is a painless procedure which requires no hospitalization or hectic after-care.

Who can benefit from Chelation Therapy?

Chelation Therapy can be used by any adult who wishes to improve the circulatory system and prevent degenerative diseases as well as ensure good health. Following are the specific health issues which we can help treat along with lifestyle modifications and nutritional support:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • High blood cholesterol levels
  • Diabetes and/or related gangrenes
  • Recurring blockages after Bypass Surgery or Angioplasty
  • Cerebral stroke & paralysis
  • Arthritis
  • Decreased memory function
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Stress management
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Preventive cardiac care